Monday, June 13, 2011


Momo. Raja (Cat). Mom and Dad kissing. Dad cooking Favorite Chicken.

Paul (aka Blue Steal). Momo. Marky

Pei Wei.

Birthday party.

Party continued.

Momo and Tristan on the wagon. He always points up when he hears an airplane. adorable baby. adorable baby and I.

Presents and GLUTEN FREE cake :)

My sisters and I wanted to try on our wedding dresses! Haha, Morgan is wearing my older sister Cadys dress and my Mom is wearing her own! We're a bunch of goofs.

Splash Pad fun with Tristan.

Tristan. I want this puppy. Build A Bear

After my short visit in Phoenix we were on the road to Carlsbad to camp!! I will blog about that next!


  1. this looks soooo fun!! it's been so great following along your adventures! love it!! remember how we never went on another double date? boooo!!! this shall change someday!

  2. I love the wedding dress picture. I am always looking for a good excuse to wear mine again. Im thinking Giselle from Enchanted might be fun for Halloween! :)

  3. um teach me your ways!! my blog stinks!

  4. yayyy for it being your birthday. also adorable that you all put your wedding dresses on. i want to meet your family. we are going to arizona during fall. k great.
